HONDA vf750 (Sabre) Mega tracker

Another muffler, very loud though...

13 faĂ­scas

Ashley carter

I just have an open megaphone on my VF... These motors sound so good...

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4 faĂ­scas

8 faĂ­scas

Felix Hofte

Wow! Awesomee

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Hi guys! This is a projekt based on the Honda V4 750 from 83, I bought this bike 2006 and I always wanted to do something with it something that makes it unique and different from all others. The color theme is “winter camo” and black.

11 faĂ­scas

Walter-Alexandros Zervos


Nikolaos Diavatis

@felix.hofte yes I have I need to find it,

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