Yamaha xv rebuild JP

Get rid of the paint! Lovely 🤩🤩🤩

12 Funken

Suspension to a new level 💪✅

7 Funken

Jasper Pol

@pontus.abrahamsson thanks!! I'm very happy with the new suspension 😎

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New bearings nesaccery? ☠ R.I.P. old bearing Hello new bearing 🥳

6 Funken

Getting things clean 🛁 I 💚 Sandblast

5 Funken

Engine is officially dead ☠⚰ Lets find a new one 🔭 Lets focus on the bodywork for now✔

10 Funken

Jasper Pol

@pierre.henninger the screw is horrible. These are often rusted an not easy to unscrew. Ive used a grinder 🤘

pierre henninger

@jasper.pol yes ! Sorry i’m not songood in English !

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