Honda Sushi Racer 1973

Tried so many visualisations, finally picking gloss black with gold flaked pinstripes. Got my helmet painted as well 😍🤩

6 искры

Essential parts got a nice gloss coat of black paint. Now, time to get the bodywork done🥳

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Last snap before the paint job.

5 искры

We either go big or go home. Reworked the frame to fit thicker tires, refurbished the tank (very owful state as it turned out), matched with custom made seat cowl + plus some extras. The cost was almost as much as my initial investment in the "bikes" (boxes full of parts and 2 frames) 😅

3 искры

Got some thicker rubber for these bad boyz 😎

6 искры

Pontus Abrahamsson

love it 😍

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