Kawasaki vn750 1986

What a difference a touch of paint makes

3 Funken

First coat done

4 Funken

Oh a lot of work ahead to day

4 Funken

First day properly working on the VN few things I need to get sorted I need a new radiator, definitely a new seat because if you guys remember this bike you know the back seat is pretty nonexistent 😅 and check my starter motor it might need to be rewound. And a few touch up jobs on some rust but other than that I think i can get it done for next season. my first big bike.

7 Funken

To anyone who might be interested this is my Kawasaki vn750. It's a 1986 I got it a few months back it doesn't run but needs a bit of love but she will live again amazing bikes. Only 28,000 on the clock and got it's from my dad's mate for £200!!! I will be posting when I can. Ride safe

6 Funken

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