Kawasaki GPZ 500s



Frame sprayed with primer. I need to decide on the colour. I was going to have it powder coated but at the same time wanted to do everything myself with my own hands

5 искры

Spent some time on the frame ready for primer.

2 искры

Looks so much better than the photo shows. Was a steep learning curve but a fun one!

7 искры

Finally got the engine back together, hours of cleaning and removing the years of oil and dirt and gave it the first coat of paint. One of the major jobs ticked off and next job is the frame I think!

6 искры

Not much happening with the GPZ at the moment due to family commitments. On the huge to do list, is remove this snapped bolt from the reed valve cover. I also have 2 snapped bearing cap bolts to deal with!

2 искры

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