CB250N Velos | Urban Mechanics #8

Powder coated engine covers, laser cut side aluminum plates and a 2-in-1 supertrapp exhaust.

10 Funken

One piece foam seat ready. Needs a bit more trimming before we have it upholstered.

3 Funken

The trimmed mask came out good. Not perfect. Inspiration was the svartpilen. Unfortunately we couldn’t fit the headlight from the back so we had to put of from the front. That’s why there is a lip standing out. Not perfect but..

4 Funken

Stripping the bike helped to see what lines we needed to change and how. The cast wheels were the first that had to go. We ended up using spokes wheels from a Suzuki GN

3 Funken

Checking color combinations. Ended up with green

3 Funken

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