BMW R100 Touring Build




Crankshaft replacement

Silent Hektik generator! Time to eliminate all the BMW charging issues once and for all!

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Last night I found out the hard way that the rotor is shot. Its charging at low revs/idle, but shorts out at higher rpms. Left me stranded with no power in the battery a few kilometers down the road from the workshop. At least I got a good workout out of pushing it back to the garage, up and down the bridges crossing the Copenhagen harbour. Time for a aftermarket upgrade I think.

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Making a seat! Made the seatpan from aluminium and had the upholsterer add some foam. Cut it to shape myself and sent it back. I chose a simple french stitch all the way along the edge of the seat. I wanted as little stitching as possible. The material is a textured faux leather for extra grip. After the seat came back I made a rear fender and a rear light mount, using the luggage tab already on the frame. The seat is extra thick for comfort, and riding 2 up is no problem with a long seat like this, 3 up might even be possible 😂 It turned up exactly how I envisioned it, its super comfy and perfect 👌🏻

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Made a backpack/pannier for one side

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Crankshaft and conrods were shot, so I had to replace them. I ended up replacing all bearings, all seals and gaskets, installing a new cam chain kit including chain, follower, tensioner outrigger bearing and nose seal. I also replaced the pushrod pipes with stainless ones, one had rusted through and been repaired at some point. The repair was simply a weld over the rusted area, which had cooked the bronze liner so it bubbled up and was grinding the pushrod.

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