Michael Marquez

Los Angeles, California, United States of America

Honda Ascot vt500 and Honda Shadow vt1100c

Luggage Rack Honda Ascot

Here is the final product. I haven’t decided how to paint this part. It definitely deserves powder coating, but I’m not sure if that’s something I can afford. I’m also thinking about a bedliner spray for texture and durability. In these photos the rack is spray painted in matte black.

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Luggage Rack Honda Ascot

Here is the rack and the inside fender mount welded in place. In this photo you can see I’ve added reenforcment to the mount.

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Luggage Rack Honda Ascot

Here a two inch by 1/8 piece has been cut to tie the supports together and to provide a strong point for connecting the rack to the mount bracket inside the fender. Look closely at the second photo and you can see half inch tube mounting supports tacked I place to connect to the under fender mount.

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Luggage Rack Honda Ascot

At this step more side supports are added. The black pieces in this photo were cut off the original rack and re oriented to fit my design. Notice that the black pieces all have some corner element to them whereas all the added bare metal pieces are straight. This is because I don’t have equipment to bend metal. I had to be very strategic when cutting these pieces to utilize their bends appropriately. also in these photo is becomes clear where the rack will mount to the underside of the bike.

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Luggage Rack Honda Ascot

Here is the mounting bracket that will tie the rack to the bike. This piece installs inside the rear fender above the tire and uses the same mounting point to the frame as the fender. Notice it only uses one mounting hole in each side. In its mounting location this pieces fit between two upright supports inside fender so that it can’t “hinge” when loaded.

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