Marco .


Xvs 1100 classic - 99. From stock to different looks the last cpl of years.


Everything new on the handlebar, wires and brakefluid new and ready to get the work done.

4 chispas


6 chispas

Marco .

@bobby.waller as long as you can get on and ride.

Bobby Waller bike isn't the prettiest girl at the dance....but at least she puts

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Some new bling and upgrades.. Almost done and ready to hit the roads 🤘🏽

2 chispas


This is how it was from the start. Before cutting, new colours and amateur custom fingers got dirty.

3 chispas

Marco .

Tje a Andreas, jag har haft lite bekymmer med just att hitta en schysst bakskärm till ett vettigt pris. Blue collar bobber tillverkar vet jag. Jag kör skärmlöst då det passar mitt stuk av bobber bygge rätt bra, känner att lite blöt får man leva med när det ska va snyggt 😎

Andreas Sand

Har du några tips vart man kan få tag i sånt?

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This is the first edition of what will come, this winter there will be some new things for upgrade.

4 chispas

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