Cj Cochran

1972 CB750 Bratster

Before and after oil lines. They came together pretty well, and seem to be holding oil very well... #nomoreleaks

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Cj Cochran

Great question; i put the fittings in a vice and used a hack saw to cut through the fitting. You need to be careful to not cut or damage the flanges . 🙌

Jake Jones

How did you get fittings off of old lines ?

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1972 CB750 Bratster

As I started it (three kicks, no problem) last weekend, I was getting ready to go out for a quick little ride; I looked down, and there was oil all over the driveway. Turns out one or both of the oil lines were spraying oil all over the place. Took the time today to remove them, cut off the retaining straps, and getting ready to install new hose. wihow this is

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1972 CB750 Bratster

I love this thing... got it because it is the year I was born. It’s loud, dirty, messy, smoky, and smelly. But it’s mine and I really love it.

3 faíscas

1975 Honda CB360 Urbanite

Frame came back from powder coating @bulletproofcoatings I was pretty giddy yesterday... looks so awesome. Now need make time to start putting it all back together.

3 faíscas

1975 Honda CB360 Urbanite

Fully disassembled frame... I ground down a bunch of the bits, cleaned up some of the tabs that will not be used. Readying the parts for powder coating. Gloss black. #cb360 #tracker #urbanite

5 faíscas

Cj Cochran

Ah yes.... and the time consuming part 😬

Pontus Abrahamsson

Now the fun part begins!

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